Dream Big – Really Big

In Mary Poppins, George Banks, the children’s father loses his position at his bank and woefully sings the following,
“A man has dreams of walking with giants
To carve his niche in the edifice of time
Before the mortar of his zeal
Has a chance to congeal
The cup is dashed from his lips
The flame is snuffed aborning
He’s brought to rack and ruin in his prime.”
This afternoon I watched the mournful face of the third string quarterback for the New England Patriots football team lead the Pats to their first shutout at home since 1993.  Last week in his first full game as a pro-quarterback, he had great success.  One can only imagine his joy and dreams all week and now, after his second start, if he knows who George Banks is, I’m sure he’s singing George’s song.
Do you have dreams?  I’m not talking about those aberrations that haunt our sleeping.  I’m referring to those daydreams of ambitions and good fortune that fill us with hope for a better tomorrow.  Unless you are unlike 99.9 % of us, you have experienced great disappointment when the cup was dashed from your lips.  I have met souls along the way who have given up dreaming great things because they fear more disappointment.   But I want to assure you the most fabulous dreams ever dreamed, “far beyond what we can imagine” (Ephesians 3:20) will never be dashed.   Nothing can be more exciting than what Jesus offers and He promises once we are in His Father’s hand nothing can snatch those dreams away.  See John 10.  
Make Jesus the Lord of your life and dare to dream big, really big.  No, I mean, REALLY BIG.