Insights Angels Longed For

Every once in a while I come upon a text that overwhelms me.  It is as if God secretly altered His Word one night while I slept.  Suddenly one morning every Bible has a verse never before seen by men.  Obviously I am being very egocentric because it was always there.  It was my blindness that never saw it til now.         I Peter 1:12 tells us the message of God’s grace about the Good News of Jesus is so special that angels longed to understand and have the insights that the Holy Spirit has shared with us.  Apparently as we learn angels learn.  As we plumb the depths of God’s grace and are given new insights, they benefit.  They thrill as they ever so deeply grasp the depths of God’s love and grace for His fallen children.

Heaven was rapt with attention to hear Jesus’ teachings on the mountain and by the sea.  His parables were filled with lessons that opened insights into eternal themes.  Personally I find this hard to grasp.  Why are we so privileged?  As I look at you and me I mostly see animals, smarter than the average bear, who as they age make a horrendous amount of mistakes and have to say, “I’m sorry” with great regularity.  And if they don’t, they should.

It is our privilege to take God’s Word and ponder its transforming power. Each new idea, each new concept brings us closer to communion with heavenly beings. Spending time in His Word prepares us step by step to walk on into eternity and to be comfortably at home with angels and other heavenly beings.  We are so blessed and yet how often we would rather spend time with some fictional television character than with Jesus.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 2, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA