Left Becomes Right – Right Becomes Wrong

I have come to believe it is possible to spin any position into the opposite of what it really is.  Depending upon what we want to believe we carefully select words to create fantasies about those whom we either do not like or with those we disagree. Truth becomes the victim.  In our eagerness to support a particular viewpoint half-truths become the paint brushes with which we create something that really is not.  Unfortunately what we create becomes to us truth because we have invested so much of our reputations and energies on our twisted endeavors.

Even God Himself was the victim of such a campaign.  “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.”  Revelation 12:7.    No rational person could interpret this passage in any other way than to understand it was a war of words and ideas.  The mastermind of this rebellion was clever enough to totally confuse a third of God’s angels.  See verse 4.  If the loving God who sent us His own Son to die for us can be made out to be a monster to the brilliant minds of angels, how easy is it for humans to cast other humans into things they are not.

Our egos lie to us regarding our intelligence.  We think we are too smart to be fooled.  Thus we open ourselves for deception.  We don’t want to admit we do not see all the sides of an issue.  We don’t.  We only know what we know and there is a universe of things we do not know.  Jesus so wisely told us not to judge others. Should we not then as Christians follow His wise counsel?  See Matthew 7.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 23, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box124, St. Helena, CA 94574
