This afternoon I sat in a circle with twenty-four nine-year-olds and listened to them read their freshly written accounts of one of their dreams. If they couldn’t remember one, they could make one up. I think most were made up. I heard dreams about mountains of candy and cookies. One little girl dreamed she was Miley Cyrus’s sister and the Jonas Brothers made up a song just for her. Not bad for nine. The favorite topic was flying. Over half of them flew everywhere from over their houses clear out to Saturn. I was intrigued by this because I often hear many adults talk about flying when they get to fantasizing about heaven.
I must confess that I doubt we will fly if God’s desire is to restore us to the original creation of Adam and Eve. But hey, what do I know? Not much of anything. When I left the seminary I knew so very much more than I know now. As the decades have rolled by my list of sureties continues to get shorter and shorter. People that know a lot fascinate me. I’m probably just jealous. It’s just that I have learned how difficult it is to really know something for sure. I am mostly living by faith. According to Paul faith is the substance of things unseen. It’s those unseen things about which I don’t know much.
So what do I really know? I know Jesus is my savior and that works for me.
Written by Roger Bothwell on November 13, 2009
Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574