Umpires of Life

They make $200,000 for seven months work.  In return they are required to make snap judgments that often reap abuse and ridicule. They do get absolutely terrific views of baseball games but sometimes get foul balls directly in the face. Umpires are always at the biggest games but never star.  Every once in a while I come across people who seem to think God has called them to umpire the game of life.  They make snap judgments about others and other’s decisions.  How often have we been with someone and have seen them declare someone an idiot or worse based upon the tiniest of information?  Without knowing background or pressures or details they (or should I say we) proclaim some easy solution to a very complex issue.

One of the last virtues in life we acquire is wisdom.  It is usually accompanied by being slow to speak.  I have been amused to sit in committees and observe the newest members usually have the most to say.  Fresh voices and fresh minds have fresh ideas.  Usually they are barely worth hearing. The framers of our constitution wisely declared one cannot be President of the United States until he or she is at least 35 years of age and has lived in the country for at least fourteen years.

The little book of James is pregnant with wisdom.  One of his gems is verse 8, “Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.”   And of course it was Jesus Himself who told us not to judge.  I have enough problems trying to figure out the person I see in the mirror let alone another person who I barely know.  Aspire not to be an umpire.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 27, 2009.

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574