Cherish Now

The New England forests are decorated with vernal pools laden with choirs of frogs that fill the night air with songs of romance.  As spring wanes and summer makes her entrance the pools will vanish along with the spring flowers nourished by their water.   Each day brings something new and says farewell to the occupants of now.  Everything but God changes.  How important to cherish the good things we have and relish moments of joy and togetherness.  This weekend my grandson was eager for me to note he had changed.  He is now taller than I.

I was awakened this Sunday by the aroma of scrambled eggs, sizzling links and baking sweet rolls.  It is usually that way when the children are here. Grandma plans days in advance for each course.  Nothing will be left to chance for this time must be cherished.  It might not happen again.  And if it does it will be different.  Each child will be older, bigger and more interesting.

We do grow more interesting as the years go by.  We have more stories to tell.  We have more honed opinions.  Hopefully our values shift from the tangible to affairs of the heart.  In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus told us our hearts will be where are treasures are.  Optimistically as we mature our treasures become people.  We want to love things that can love us in return. I can love my car but it can’t love me back.

The reality and the pain of life is that the people we love all go away.   Either we leave or they leave.  It is just a matter of time.  Everything changes so cherish now.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 7, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574