I have friends who are completely enamored with Romans 1 through 8. And I have to agree with them that it is the finest theological treatise ever written. Perhaps it’s because I teach some of the psychology classes at our little college that I think Romans 12 through 15 cannot be excelled by anyone. Paul is so very practical. If we applied his counsel to our daily lives we would surely be the most psychologically healthy people in the world. I am amazed at the expanse of Paul’s knowledge regarding personal relationships and how to mind our own business and grow in the Lord.
But then again I should not be amazed. Not only did Paul have the best education of his time both in Hebrew topics but also in occidental topics. Paul was no slouch when it came to Aristotle, Plato and Socrates. The best part of all was his daily connection with Jesus. His works are not the mere product of a human mind. They are the product of a great human mind united to divinity. His works are inspired by the One who knows all things.
How about chapter 12:19 and on? “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath.” Has someone harmed you? Do you want to harm them back? If you are a normal human the answer is yes. But the wise person who wants genuine peace will forgive and know that we have a heavenly father who knows how to give good gifts to us. If there is something to be revenged He will do it ever so much more skillfully than any of us ever could. Trust Him. It’s a sure prescription for a great life.
Written by Roger Bothwell on September 30, 2010
Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574