Fruit Inspecting

After years of watching I am still amazed at how long it takes my wife to get through the fresh fruit and vegetable section of our supermarket.  If she sends me with a list I can quickly pick up the melon, the tomatoes, the potatoes and the lettuce.  It is so different with her.  Each melon is carefully fondled as she sniffs where it had been attached to the vine.  The tomatoes have to be just the right mixture of shades of red and green.  Each potato is sniffed and lettuce is, well actually I don’t know what she does with the lettuce.  I just know it is done with the care of a scientist.

If God checked us out with such precision there is no way we could be saved. Thankfully we have an advocate with the Father.  He is Jesus Christ, the righteous.  I John 1.   He and He alone is so utterly spotless, so pure, so untainted, so perfect He can stand before the Father and say, “See me.  I represent the redeemed.  I give them the gift of my righteousness.”  Don’t misunderstand.  He is not a cloak that covers evil.  He throws away our filthiness and fits us with His robe of righteousness.  It is all Him from start to finish.  He is the alpha and the omega of salvation.

The end result of my wife’s diligence is spectacular eating.   The end result of Jesus’ diligence is a wedding banquet mentioned at the close of Revelation.  Just as there is nothing spoiled on my table there will be nothing spoiled on or at Jesus’ table.  He is a great fruit inspector.  When our records are examined there will be nothing there except fruits of righteousness.  The other things have been blotted out.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 28, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574