Oh to Be Happy

There’s a funny thing about humans.  The kind of world we think is out there is the kind of world we see out there.  One would think the latter would come first but quite to the contrary. We are the designers of our world.  We don’t see the world that is.  We see the world we think is.  Once upon a time I knew a woman whose life was most miserable.  It is true she only had one leg but the last time I checked our limbs were not connected to our brain, the source of our attitudes.  I was her pastor and I have to admit (I shouldn’t say this) that I was happy for her when she passed away.  She sat home alone and had a rebuttal for every positive comment any of us could make.  Nothing we could say could get a smile.  I do so hope the Lord can make her happy.  None of us could bring even a tiny ray of sunshine into her dismal world. I hate to sound like someone from the Sound of Music but think of your favorite things and life wouldn’t be so sad.

The law of God’s Kingdom, the rule for happiness, is service.  When we set out to improve another’s life we are the ones whose lives improve.  It almost seems counter intuitive but God’s Kingdom is like that.  The first shall be last and the last first.  Matthew 19:30.   So how much sense does that make?  Very little in our way of thinking but it is brilliant when Jesus says it.  The reason being is He is the Master Psychologist.  He created us.  He designed our minds and knows exactly what we need for happiness.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 21, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
