The Best for Last

I have come to a new meaning for Jesus first major miracle – the water into wine.  This is major because prior to this Jesus told Nathaniel that He saw him under a fig tree praying.  That was a minor miracle.   But back to the water into wine.  I couldn’t have understood what I am referring to when I was young.  This only can come with age.  Remember in the story how they questioned the host regarding saving the best wine until last.  That is what is happening to me and I hope for you.  The older we get.  The longer we have been with Jesus.  The better the wine gets.

There is a sweetness I never could have grasped when I first finished the seminary.  Then I understood the doctrines of the church.  Now I appreciate so much the abiding presence of Jesus and somehow the doctrines don’t seem to be as important.  I am referring to such things as the end of Romans 8, “Who can be against us?”   And motives are more important than deeds, “If I give my body to be burned, if I don’t do it for love it is a worthless sacrifice.”  And after attending so many funerals I so value I Corinthians 15, “Death is swallowed up in victory.”   Perhaps the best is the parable of the unjust judge who only gave the woman her request because he was sick of her begging.  God is not like that judge.  We don’t have to beg.  We can come boldly and ask and if it is good for us, we get it.  God is a loving generous Father.

Every day it just seems clearer. The wine just keeps getting better.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 22, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574