We Can’t Remember Where That Thing Is.  What Thing?

Having very few items of much value my wife and I rarely think about something being taken.  However in the past few weeks our home has had a steady stream of workers doing remodeling tasks.  Not believing anyone would actually take something, we did decide not to create a temptation. Therefore we decided to hide one item that has sentimental value and is small enough to “walk away.”  Now comes the really interesting part.  We cannot remember where we hid it!  Doesn’t that take the cake?  Two old people rummaging about in their own home looking for something they hid just a couple weeks ago.   I think we have reached the stage of life when we can hide our own Easter eggs on Good Friday and be genuinely surprised on Sunday morning when we find them.

Ever since I was a very little boy I have systematically learned memory verses from Scripture.  The text “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee” was one of the very first verses I learned.  I still know it is Psalm 119:11.  Understanding that it should be a long time until my wife or I suffer long term memory loss, as opposed to short-term memory loss, it should be quite a while before I forget that verse.  I cannot think of anything more valuable to retain than God’s Word.  However, to retain one first has to learn.  There are so many situations in life that stimulate the memory of God’s Word.  Just this very morning one of my students commented about something he owned that instantly brought to mind, “Thou shall not covet.”  I won’t mention what wonder he owned that almost made me break Exodus 20:17.

Written by Roger Bothwell on June 23, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
