Hebrews 11 People Walk Among Us

There is a wonderful thought at the close of Hebrews 11.  Paul wrote that his great list of heroes had not yet received the perfection promised. Their perfection did not come from the list of their great accomplishments.

It is only together with us would they find perfection.  Perfection comes as a gift only from Jesus.  As great as Abram was, as great as Gideon, Barak, Jephthah, Samuel and Rahab were, the only way for them to be perfect was exactly the same way you and I become perfect.  When Jesus was nailed to the cross one arm pointed backward in history and one arm pointed forward.  He and He alone can provide salvation to anyone who ever lived on this aged planet.  The New Covenant was older than the Old Covenant.  The only reason the Old Covenant ever existed was because of the ignorance of people who thought they could somehow appease an angry God.  The truth is there was always a loving Father wooing and courting His people.  A few caught glimpses.  Habakkuk 2:4, “The just shall live by faith. ” And Romans 1:17, “The just shall live by faith.”  There is and always has been only one way to be redeemable. We must allow Jesus to do it for us.

Hebrews 11:34 promises “our weaknesses will be turned to strength.”  Paul inserts this for those of us who so often feel inadequate or incapable of belonging to such an illustrious group.  God has His Hebrews 11 people in every age.  They are walking among us.  Perhaps you work with one, live with one, pray or play with one.  Their goodness – not their perfection – permeates their lives and makes our lives richer and more meaningful.

Written by Roger Bothwell on June 22, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
