No Coupon

We got a coupon book in the mail today boasting on the cover that we were receiving over $2,505 in savings.  In order for me to garner the entire value of the book I would need to purchase four computer screens, four laptop computers, two pc computers, two printers, six cameras and a host of other products that all totaled would run somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,000.  I did actually find a two dollar coupon for the toothpaste I use and I only needed to buy a year’s supply, so all was not in vain.  We live in a world of overvalued products and we are supposed to feel fortunate to find a coupon that discounts it down to its real value.

The ultimate value on earth is of course the gift of eternal life. Its cost was not overvalued.  It was something of such extraordinary worth it was impossible to discount.  The price required the death of someone who was totally sinless.  If there was but the tiniest of stains it was nullified.  The Father knew it.  Jesus knew it.  Satan knew it.  The pressure on all three was so intense we cannot begin to comprehend. This was not a game.  This was the continued existence of God’s government.  If Jesus failed all was lost. Satan’s claim that God’s dream of perfection with free choice wasn’t realistic would have prevailed.

What happened in the Garden of Gethsemane and all the way to the cross terrified the universe. Would He, could He do what had to be done?  There could be no compromise.  There could be nothing less.  No coupon – – this was the real deal.  The bottom line was everything that God valued.  When God gave us Jesus He made Himself poor.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 23, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574