Bragging Rights

And we thought the Hubble Telescope in orbit around the earth was the best. Think again.   Ready for viewing deep space objects ten times sharper than what Hubble can do will be the Magellan Telescope, which will use seven 8.4-meter mirrors arranged into a pattern of six around one with an effective aperture of 24.5 meters. We are just six years away from completion.  Astronomers tell us we will actually see planets in other solar systems.  We will see the end of the universe.  But how can that be?  The universe has no end.  I think it is time to brag.  My Father and your Father owns it all.  No, not the 600 million dollar telescope, the universe!

Since humility is part of a Christian character and it is not becoming to brag about ourselves, even though we are princes and princesses of the universe, let’s brag about our Father.  Our Father knows everything.  Our Father has been everywhere, well, actually He is everywhere.  Our Father can do anything.  Wait a moment.  No He can’t.  There are things God cannot do. He cannot tell a lie.  He cannot cause harm.  He cannot violate the righteousness of His character.   Some of you are probably thinking, “No, He can, but He will not.”   No, He can’t.  Having the power does not mean He can.  He is governed by His own integrity. He is integrity personified.

And it is integrity that He wants to infuse into us.  Once that happens we then will be safe to roam the vastness of His universe because we will do so without taking harm with us.  The way we are now, we are so harmful.  That has to go. It will go. I Corinthians 15 promises, “This corruption will put on incorruption.”  How grand that will be.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 27, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574