In a successful way to keep their graduating high school seniors safe after a graduation service, the parents of Bronxville, NY provide an all night party. The highlight of the celebration happens at 3 AM. A bagpiper leads everyone on a parent and police escorted walk through their beautiful residential streets. At 2:30 AM we were awakened and invited to join the procession. My midnight oil, my flashlight, was ready. As we walked along I thought if my batteries had been dead there was no place at that time of morning to purchase fresh ones. I might possibly have missed the fun. Actually there was moonlight and my flashlight was not needed. But I did think of Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins. See Matthew 25)
When we were awakened at 2:30 with the words, “It’s time to go” I could not but think of God’s church being wakened at the end with the cry, “The bridegroom cometh. It’s time to go.” What a glorious moment that will be. Paul describes it so eloquently in I Thessalonians 4 and I Corinthians 15. One of the fascinating details he includes is the phrase, “in the twinkling of an eye.” Suddenly, in a moment, it happens. It is done. The resurrection of the redeemed occurs and we are united with loved ones never to be parted again. Words cannot be arranged into any sentence that would come close to describing the joy.
I was tempted to say something like, “this is what Christianity is all about.” And I certainly want to say it is a major part of our walk with Jesus. But it is not the entirety of the Gospel. We must never forget the joy of salvation does not begin then, but begins now, the moment we accept His gift.
Written by Roger Bothwell on June 20, 2011
Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574