In a world of instant communication and worldwide coverage of almost everything, it amazes me to realize there is starvation occurring in Somalia and Northern Kenya while we have an obesity problem. When one sees the pictures of these families coming out of such a barren land one wonders if Romans 1:20 is applicable for these people. Paul says we are without excuse because we can see the wonders of God’s power and grace by the things he has created. Living in New England – yes – no question about it. Living in southern Somalia – surely not. I believe God treats each person uniquely as each situation is unique. These people are already in hell. For them there isn’t much wonder at the beauty of His creation.
I am amused when I hear people in this land of plenty speaking about how unfair things are when they don’t get everything they think they deserve. I recently heard someone complaining that the school bus stopped two houses down the street causing their poor child to walk 100 feet. Shall I mention the Somalian mother who had to leave her starving baby by the side of the trail to perish because she needed to make sure her other children made it to the refugee camp?
Only in some fantasy land does fairness exist. The challenge of being like Jesus is for us to recognize where and when we can intervene to make life fairer for those who need help. Jesus’ very own brother, James, wrote, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
Written by Roger Bothwell on August 11. 2011
Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574