Sometimes it is so dark when I walk my black lab I cannot see her even though we are on opposite ends of her leash. I walk carefully as to not trip on anything as she tugs me down the hill. She loves to walk no matter how dark it is. But a few evenings ago we had just begun when she turned and wanted to go home. I paused so I could listen carefully but I could not hear anything let alone see anything. Being that our bear is still roaming the neighborhood I decided to take her cue and let her pull me back up the hill. I know she can see better in the dark than I and she can smell many more things than I.
One of the things I have learned in life is to follow the lead of those with superior abilities. When I was a teen I was so arrogant I didn’t think there was anyone else who knew more than I. Wow, was that ever stupid. With years hopefully come wisdom. It is that way now with God’s instructions and commands. There are times when I cannot possibly see any possible harm from certain behaviors, but I know that God, who has lived much longer than I, (How about forever?) and has more information than I, (How about His being all knowing?) will only lead me to safe places. It is me that gets me into trouble.
The Shepherd’s Psalm says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil.” That’s not just some childhood memory verse. That is good counsel no matter how old we are. I let my dog take me home that dark, dark night.
Written by Roger Bothwell on August 18, 2011
Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574