One of the treasures I have from my father is an old globe he had in his classroom. It maps wonderfully exotic places like Siam, Rhodesia, Palestine, Gold Coast and Keijo. Holding a globe and turning it this way and that causes one to wonder about the way things are. I can untip the axis and do away with the seasons. There would be perpetual sunshine on the poles making it a very interesting place to live with the sun never rising high in the sky. I can turn the axis at a 90 degree angle and have the sun come up in the north and go down in the south or vice versa depending on which direction I spin it. Continents look very unfamiliar when oriented differently. North America becomes almost unrecognizable when turned on its side and has no state lines.
Perhaps the second most important text in Scripture is “In the beginning God.” We can be filled with a host of questions about rocks, continental drift and the ring of fire but as long as Genesis 1:1 is we have no fear for the future. Asteroids can go whizzing past us at 26,000 miles an hour and we know God is still there and all will ultimately be well.
“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visits him?” Psalm 8. And the answer is we are the sons and daughters of this Most High God who but breathes and worlds come into existence. How grand for us. We are so blessed.
Written by Roger Bothwell on November 16, 2011
Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94547