Striking the Right Note

My exquisite art teacher reminded me this morning of something so true and very important.  When you strike middle C or any other key on a piano all of the other strings on the piano harp vibrate with it.  It literally sets the tone.  It’s just like people.  When we strike a tone others around us respond in kind.  A few months ago someone entered my office to complain about the hostile environment.  I had to admit my surprise.  What hostile environment?  I was surprised but not puzzled.  All I had to do was look at the person’s face and demeanor to know they were telling the truth.  As they moved about striking a tone others around responded in kind.  Primarily we are responsible for what happens around us.  I say primarily because never is something like this always true.  There can be another strong person in the room who is spoiling it for all others.  That’s why one of the most important questions to ask before hiring someone is “What was it like where you worked prior to this?”

Many years ago I had a similar conversation and that person said, “It’s like this everywhere I go.  What’s the matter with people?”   I do believe the key word there is “everywhere”.   Who is the one person present everywhere she went?

Jesus certainly put out the right vibes.  The crowds couldn’t stay away from Him. “The people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and out went them, and came together unto him.” Mark 6.  We have within our power and even more so can have divine power to strike the right note, the positive note to make life better for all around us.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 17, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574