How Sweet It Is!

As my dog and I were finishing our evening walk and approached our home I suddenly became aware that I could smell our house about three houses away.  Lest I leave you with the wrong idea that we live in a pig sty allow me to explain.  Yesterday after over a week of work, a crew of house painters finished painting all the outside wood on the house.  Not only did the gallons of oil based paint beautifully cover the eaves, window frames and doors they also filled the atmosphere with their particular fragrance.  I like the smell and hope my neighbors don’t mind until it dissipates.

This is a good week for smells.  Lots of kitchens will be emanating wondrous aromas throughout homes as we get ready for Thursday’s feasts.  Stores are anticipating Black Friday and making sure we are greeted at the door with vanilla or cinnamon or lilac scents.  Smelling good things puts us in a good mood, and hopefully for the merchants, opens our wallets.

I have always imaged that Eden was filled with the fragrances of flowers and heaven will likewise be so scented.  When I go to church I often smell lots of aftershave lotions and perfumes.  That’s good because it compensates for the garlic lovers in our midst.

People have always loved to smell nice things.  When the Magi came to visit Jesus in Bethlehem they brought some very nice smelling gifts.  One of the best scents that God loves is described in II Corinthians 2:15.  “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved . . .” As Jackie Gleason used to say, “How sweet it is!”

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 23, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574