He Is Calling You

I wasn’t feeling very good when I got out of the car at Murchison Falls in Uganda.  As we climbed to the overlook I continued to feel worse and worse.  Finally I moved off the trail a bit so I could lie down and throw-up.  While waiting to gather my strength a strange but very friendly face peered into mine and he said, “I’m Doctor David Livingston, may I help you?”  Even in the midst of my nausea I managed to skeptically say, “Sure you are.”  We quickly learned that he really was Doctor David Livingstone.  He was the famous African explorer’s grandson. He worked at a hospital in southern Africa and was on holiday.  Fortunately for me, he was able to help with malaria medication.  We saw him again with his family that evening in a nearby lodge.

Ever after I have wondered how many times God speaks to us only to have us skeptically think, “No, not really.”   He spoke to Samuel only to have Samuel think it was Eli calling.  He spoke to Elijah, but not in an earthquake or fire, but in a still small voice. There are some who are like Samuel and hear a voice.  However, most of us are on the still small voice channel.  We wait for some horrific event to occur on Earth or to us thinking God will be inthe big events.  He is, but most of the time He is whispering.

And what does He have to tell us?  For each of us the communication is unique because each of us has different needs.   Your needs are not my needs. You are special.  God’s message to you is especially for you.  Listen carefully.  Because He is whispering sometimes we need to turn off our noisy electronics.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 20, 21013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
