
I have no idea why I thought of Margaret just now.  I haven’t seen Margaret since fourth grade.  She was taller than the rest of us and sat in the back left hand corner.  Every day Margaret wore the same faded simple cotton dress.  Perhaps that’s why she sat where she did for the room steam radiator was there.  Winters can be cold in Pennsylvania especially when she had no socks, just a bad looking pair of boy’s shoes on ends of her pencil legs.  Today Social Services would intervene but this was sixty years ago.  Her long unkept hair was extremely unattractive.  Some of the kids called her “Cooties.”  I don’t think I ever did.  But neither did I tell the others to stop.  We can be most cruel.

When Christmas came we drew names out of a hat for a present exchange.  I think the teacher brought a present for Margaret to exchange.  We were all high as kites the afternoon before Christmas break.  Most likely it was a sugar high from all the sand tarts.  The room was electric when two little girls started passing out the presents.  Then our eyes grew large as something wonderful started happening in the back left hand corner.  Margaret got one present and then another and then another and then another.  They just kept piling up.  As my fading memory can recall there were thirty children in the room and Margaret received over twenty-five presents.  The teacher took her home so she didn’t have to try to ride the bus.

I also remember that for the rest of the school year no one ever again called her “Cooties.”  Every once in a while something happens to tell us that humans aren’t all bad.  How I would love to know where she is today.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 5, 2012

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574