AT&T Commercials

I really like the AT&T commercials with the man sitting on the floor with four children where he asks them such questions as, “Is it better to be fast or slow?” or “Is it better to do two things at once or just one?”  The children’s answers seem so spontaneous and delightful. If they are acting they should get Oscar nominations.  Acting comes fairly easy for children because they have great imaginations and not much self-consciousness.  Of course that changes as the years go by and they become adults.  As adults we are not nearly as wonderful as we were when we were small.

One of the greatest gifts God has given us is imagination.  Our minds alter things that are and invent things that are not.  Without imaginations we would still be riding horses to get from A to B. Without imaginations there would be very little interesting reading.  On Sixty Minutes this weekend they featured robot arms and hands that are controlled by the imaginations of the amputees.  It is stunning to see someone think about picking up an object and then watching the robot arm pick it up.  We are on the cusp of medical revolutions all because our Creator made us in His image.  When we look at the Universe we realize His is the greatest imagination of all.

When Jesus was a boy and passed crucified people hanging by the roadsides I am sure His imagination sent horror chills down His spine.  This was His Father’s business.  This was the plan.  Thankfully His imagination carried Him past the cross to “the joy that lay before Him.”  Hebrews 12:2.  In His imagination He sees you being with Him for eternity. Fabulous!

Written by Roger Bothwell on June 3, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574