God Did It!

Our squirrels have disappeared.  There is neither a gray nor a red anywhere to be seen. I’m not sure that I mind.  They ate an enormous amount of expensive bird seed and for that their absence makes me happy.  But, I really would like to know what happened. Does my neighbor have better tasting birdseed than what I provide?  A few years ago I saw a red fox grab a red squirrel off our patio.  Do we have another fox or has the neighborhood coyote gotten them?  The neighborhood is full of rabbits this summer so the coyote should be doing quite well.  I saw him recently and he is looking well fed.  We also have a cooper’s hawk who, on occasion, watches the bird feeder.  Aha, about three weeks ago there was a bobcat just outside the window.

It is a mystery I will most likely never solve. Most people like mysteries. The mystery section at Barnes and Noble is huge.  Somewhere in my elementary years I thoroughly enjoyed Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s works.  Agatha Christie has been dead since 1976 and is still one of the world’s most read authors.  Her estate claims she is the third most read author after the Bible and Shakespeare having sold over 4 billion books.  Paul enjoyed speaking of the mystery of salvation and redemption.  His mysteries are not whodunits.  God did it!  But why did He do it?   Over and again He speaks of the mystery of Christ and that now in this generation God has revealed to us the knowledge of His love.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 16, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
