You Are So Beautiful

The brownish, reddish, yellowish leaf danced outside my window.  Up and down in the autumn air it pirouetted with all the flourishes of a ballerina.  Having let go of its branch it was not about to settle to the earth without one last performance – one last encore.  Could I, by applause, have kept it dancing I would have clapped until my hands grew weary.  Masterfully it pretended to be a butterfly reeling above the asters as if it wanted just one more sip – one last draft of nectar sweet.  Just as I thought the recital was concluded when it neared the lawn, up it soared for yet another performance – another presentation of beauty.  Did it know it was being admired?  Did it know I wanted it never to end?  No – this was beauty for beauty’s sake.  This was the springtime violet that would never be seen by human eye.  This was the summer’s daylily behind a rock wall.  This was beauty created when God said, “That is very good.”

Our God is a God of beauty.  He breathes into us the lushishness of life that we might see what He sees and rejoice with that which causes Him to rejoice.  Beauty comes in many forms.  It is exterior.  It is interior.   To create inner beauty is to become more like our God.  Character building is more important than all the cosmetics in Macys.

Everybody is beautiful to somebody.  The secret is love.   The more we love someone the more beautiful they grow.  Considering that Jesus loves us enough to go to the cross for us means only one thing.  We are looking good.   When God looks at us He sings Joe Cocker’s “You are so beautiful.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 21, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574