The Muscle Shirt

Yesterday we saw a young man wearing a muscle shirt.  There was one small problem.  No muscles – just two skin-covered sticks hanging out.  I remembered being a boy on the playground during recess.  There was a shouting match going on between two would-be  pitchersduring a choose-up game of baseball.  One of them said, “I’m going to pitch or else.”  The other said, “Or else what?”  The first fellow had no “else”.   He didn’t own the baseball.  He couldn’t take his ball and go home. If you’re going to challenge someone with an “else”, you better have an “else.”  If we are going to wear a muscle shirt, it would be a great idea if we had muscles. (I now only wear long sleeve shirts.)

Have you ever seen someone driving very aggressively by cutting people off and at the same time sporting a bumper sticker telling us, “My boss is a Jewish carpenter”?  If we are going to proclaim to the world that we are Christians, it would be a great idea if we really were the  kindest, most unselfish person in our school or workplace.  Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said in the Sermon on the Mount, “By their fruits ye shall know them.”  I know it’s a worn out cliché but I have to say it.  “Put your money where your mouth is.”

In all fairness to the wearer of the muscle shirt, perhaps he was trying to inspire himself to a new life of discipline, healthful eating and lots of exercise.  If we see him again in six months perhaps he will be sporting arms worthy of the shirt.  We have to begin somewhere when we have a worthy goal.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 6, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574