Brussel Sprouts

Each year on the week before Christmas dinner we go in search of fresh brussel sprouts because one of my sons loves them.  Scientific studies indicate that over half the population has a genetic dislike for brussel sprouts.  My son’s appetite for this obnoxious weed was not inherited from me.  I have checked with my sisters and they share my distaste for those little round whatevers.  My wife was an only child and her parents are gone; therefore we can only garner limited information on her side.  She will eat them but rarely cooks them for herself.  Surely brussel sprouts were not in Eden but grew outside the gate and became food as punishment for Adam and Eve’s transgression.

I have met people who are to me as brussel sprouts.  I just don’t like them.  I don’t want to be around them.  I am so happy Jesus never asks us to like others.  He does ask us to love others and there is a huge difference.  The word He used for love meant for us to care for others and to wish them well.  I can do that for people I don’t like.  I am not so naive to think everyone likes me.  I know they don’t; even if my mother never understood how someone would not like me.  I just hope they do not wish me harm.

I doubt very much that Jesus liked the people who beat Him before taking Him to the cross.  Surely there were places filled with evil people that very much repulsed Him.  But He still loved them.  He even asked His Father to forgive them because of their ignorance.   Before you go to bed tonight think of someone you don’t like and then pray for them.  It will be good for both of you.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 4, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574