Things Beyond Our Senses

I’m still trying to figure it out.  My black lab was sleeping by my chair in our front room.  Suddenly she exploded.  She was on all fours, intensely alert, hair on her back that would have made a Ridgeback proud.  Fiercely she barked and ran to the back of the house.  Wanting to know what this was about I accompanied her but without all the bluster.  I saw nothing unusual.  There was no disturbance of the fresh layer of snow.  It was as smooth as if it had just landed.   Then I saw it.  A beautiful deer was standing at the edge of our woods.  But how did she know?  It had not been in the yard nor near the house.  We had been in the front of the house with music playing.

It is obvious that she has enhanced senses of which I am totally ignorant.  I wish I had thought of a Bible text but instead I could hear Hamlet saying, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”  There are times that we are tempted to think the only things that exist are what we have seen or heard or felt.  And then there are occasions like this when I am reminded of just how limited we are.   There are times when walking with her that she has found something really great to smell.  When I tell her it is time to go she looks at me as if to say, “Let’s linger.  This is great.  What’s wrong with you?  Can’t you appreciate it?”  Actually I am glad I can’t.

I was thinking of angels.  I have never seen one. (At least that I know of.)  Yet the Bible is very clear about their reality.  See Hebrews 1:14.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 31, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Live an Extra Seven Years

If I had a pill that would guarantee one would add seven years to their life I would soon be a wealthy man.  It would be a big seller.  For most of us life is precious and we would pay a lot of money for such a pill.  But since I don’t have such a pill I will, for free, share what research says adds seven years to our lives.   Join a church and attend once a week.  Really.  That’s it.  Research shows that such persons live seven years longer than people with no faith affiliation.  And if you do volunteer work for your church you will add even more years.  Some of the factors that surely contribute to this phenomena are the security of the group which reduces stress and one is less likely to indulge in alcohol and drugs and other risky behaviors.

Now we might be tempted to think, “Yes, but how dull is that?”   It is only dull if we remain passive and come late and leave early.  But should we become active and become involved, our talents are stimulated and we soon find ourselves doing things we never thought we could do.  There resides in each of us unused gifts; gifts that would never have been discovered if we didn’t become an active part of a community.

Research reveals that this is the best way to live and to live long.  Someone once asked me if I would be disappointed if after 70 years of living the Christian life I learned it was a sham.  The obvious answer is absolutely yes.  However, upon looking back over those 7 decades I would see that it was the best way to live.  It might not be flashy but it is certainly fulfilling.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 20, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



The World Got A Pair of Glasses

I started wearing glasses when I started going to school.  They not only enabled me to clearly see the blackboard but were also an instant cure for my headaches.  It is estimated that about 64% of Americans wear glasses and 11% wear contacts.  If we add to that number the over 5 million that have had Lasik surgery, we can deduce that only a small percentage of people naturally have excellent vision.  It leaves us wondering how different history might have been if ancient kings, queens and warriors had worn glasses.

Occasionally I misplace my glasses and I bumble about the house searching for them.  I wish they were like my cell phone.  When I misplace it I merely have my wife call me and soon I hear it ringing from under the couch or some other such obscure place.  If only I could call my glasses and have them ring.

In terms of people understanding the true nature of God, the birth of Jesus was like heaven sending us glasses.  Never before had we ever had such a clear picture of His loving care, His grace and His concern for us.  Before Jesus came God was blamed for all manner of bad human behavior.  There was the idea that if one was successful in something then it had been God’s will.  The Old Testament is filled with stories of evil being blamed on God.  It must have delighted Lucifer to no end.  But Jesus opened our eyes, cleared our vision, took away the blurriness and said, “If you have seen me you have seen the Father.”  Lucifer can still try and blame God for bad things but now we know better.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 19, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Hard Not to Brag

For Christmas my grandchildren gave me a spray bottle of Polo after-shave.  Instead of using it for after-shave I have it on my desk and spritz myself.  It’s nice to know I am not offensive, at least scent wise and it reminds me of my grandchildren.  There are many other ways to be offensive, as we all know.   Being that I have a propensity to want to express my opinion about things, I have had to work at listening instead of spouting.  People don’t like braggarts.   It is difficult to contain oneself and not brag about being a Christian.  Christianity is very unique from all the other religions of the world.  It is the only religion that offers salvation as a gift of God’s grace.  All other religions have complex rules and regulations and acts of penitence to gain God’s favor.  Christ’s message is we are God’s children and God loves to shower gifts of grace on His children.

There are some flavors of Christianity that have added acts of penance and many other do’s and do not’s.  Once they have done so they cease to be Christians.  They just don’t realize they become the same as pagans.  Alas, the Bible is so plain and clear.  Ephesians 2, “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”   Our prayer should be for us to be able to speak of this wonder without being offensive. We will be a sweet incense to God.  “Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation an aroma redolent with life.”  II Corinthians 2 in The Message

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 18, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Top of the Food Chain

I’m sitting here watching a bunny gobble down some carrots my wife tossed out onto the snow.  He is very alert.  As he munches away he is constantly watching, ready to run for safety.  He needs to be alert.  There are hawks overhead, coyotes and weasels in the bushes.  Actually the weasels will tunnel under the snow and pop up and grab them.  I am so thankful to be at the top of the food chain.  Though we have bears in the neighborhood they run from us.  The most dangerous animals we need to fear are other people.

Many years ago when my boys were small we drove across the grasslands in Uganda to see some lions that were spending the afternoon in a tree.  Unfortunately, I backed into a hole and had to get out of the car to push.  While doing so the lions perked up a bit and watched my every move.  I wasn’t feeling very sure that I was at the top of the food chain.  I thought I heard one of them whisper, “Please pass the A-1 Sauce.”

It was a remarkable day when God said, “Let us make man in our image.”  We have a Creator who not only brought us into being but wants for us to ascend with Him to heights unimaginable to us in our present state of mind.  In Ephesians 2 we read, “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”  Talk about being at the top of the food chain.  We will spend eternity being showered with gifts of intellect and power.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 17, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 12, St. Helena, CA 94574


The Ancient of Days

Ecclesiastes 12 is becoming more and meaningful.  I can feel its cold breath on my neck.  I have been in denial.  But the latest sign could not be denied.  It was simple and yet dramatic.  I got out of the car and was halfway to the supermarket when I heard a horn.   A friendly sounding man called out, “You might want to close your car door.”  As I twirled around I saw it.  There it was standing wide open.  I had opened it, gotten out and just walked away.

I am so thankful for Isaiah 49:15.  Isaiah assures us that God will never forget us.  We need that verse because in Daniel 7 He is called The Ancient of Days.  Apparently God handles His age better than we do.   Unlike some gray bearded old guy on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel He is eternally young.  Before there was anything He was.  Abell 1835 IR1916 is His creation and is over 13 billion light-years from us.  Our telescopes are time machines showing us not what is but what was. The name Ancient of Days doesn’t even begin to describe Him.  He always was, is and always will be and He will never forget us.

When times become difficult, and they will,  He remembers you.  When you’re feeling down, and you will,  He remembers you.  When you seem to be forgetting everything, and you will,  He remembers you.  He knows what you need and in His infinite wisdom He will give you what you need.  What I needed was someone to tell me to close my car door.  Maybe it was Him.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 13, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Joe Btfsplk

If you are old enough to remember the cartoon strip Li’l  Abner you might also remember Joe Btfsplk.  Joe was a regular character in Li’l Abner and always had a dark cloud over his head.  Wherever he went the cloud was sure to be there to cause trouble.  It had no silver lining.  For almost six hours this afternoon I felt like Joe.   This afternoon we drove from Philadelphia to our home in central Massachusetts and it rained hard the entire trip.  The storm moved up the east coast at the same rate we moved up the east coast.  We managed to stay right in the heart of it the entire way fighting our way through the blinding clouds of water generated by hundreds of semis.  Needless to say it wasn’t a pleasant trip.

While crossing the George Washington Bridge at New York City I remembered a church member I had in my very first pastorate.  She was Joe Btfsplk in the flesh.  There was nothing in her life that was right.  After visiting with her I would have to go home and eat ice cream or do something to lift my spirits.  I have to give it to her she was gifted.  She could take any blessing and turn it into something bad.  I would try to point out good things to her but she always bested me with her gloom and doom.  One of her horrors was none of her children ever became Christians.  Really?  I wonder why?

It is just as easy to find the bright side to something as it is to find the dark side. Happiness is a choice.  Sharing Jesus with others is a happy choice.  If it isn’t a call to a better more abundant life then it really isn’t a choice at all.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March12, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94547

Careful – We Could Catch Something

Yesterday my wife was visiting an elementary school and while she was washing her hands she said to a little girl, “We wash our hands to kill germs so we don’t get sick.  We get sick from germs.”  The little girl responded, “I have a cold but I didn’t get it from germs.  I got it from my cousin.”

And so we are confronted with a dilemma created by Jesus.  A. Birds of a feather flock together.  It’s an old adage that is supported by massive amounts of data.  And B. “This man eats with publicans and sinners” is an accurate description of Jesus’ friends and activities.  How does a person like you and me, well at least me, hope to be like Jesus and associate with publicans and sinners and not catch their habits, their vocabulary and their attitudes?  We catch all manner of thought patterns and outlooks via the conversations with have with others.  Thus we are told by our parents to be careful with whom we make friends.

This also points out the necessity for spending time each day with Jesus via His word.  Studying the life of Christ should whet our appetites for wholesome intellectual input.  There is the issue of the inner presence of the Holy Spirit.  That is a huge help in educating us.  So often we use the text about training up a child in the way he should go in regards to our children.  In God’s eyes we are His children so it doesn’t matter how old we are.  We need to be training ourselves in the way we should go.

Then there is the issue that most publicans and sinners don’t want to be bothered with someone who doesn’t join in.  They might catch something from us.  (Isn’t this a smug devotional?  I’m assuming we are not publicans and sinners.  Alas, what a self-deceived snob I can be.)

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 14, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


On Being a Doppelganger

Have you ever desired to be a doppelganger?  If you select the right person being a doppelganger can be a wonderful thing.  Just in case you don’t know what a doppelganger is that’s why I am writing about it.  It’s new to me.  Being a doppelganger is looking exactly like someone else but not being a twin.

A few years ago while waiting to board an airplane a doppelganger of my father came and sat across from me.  He was even wearing a fedora and had a cigar in his mouth.  I wanted to go over and hug him.  I’m sure he wondered why I continually stared at him.   Many years ago in a bookstore I saw a doppelganger of my wife. After a while I realized that if I did not stop following her from bookshelf to bookshelf I would be arrested for harassment or stalking.

By this time you know where I am going with all this doppelganger talk.  The name Christian means to be Christ-like.  Wouldn’t the best thing in the world to hear if someone said to you, “Because I know you I now know what Jesus looks like”?  Realistically speaking that would take a long, long time for most of us.  That’s why we need eternity.

In John 14 Jesus spoke of His doppelganger.  While speaking about His Father, He said, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father.”  He went on to speak of doing His Father’s will.  So there it is.  If you wish to be a doppelganger of Jesus, the way is plotted out.  Do His will.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 13, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574

Equality in the Kingdom

Before David became King of Israel, before Saul died, when David was a fugitive warrior, a raiding party of Amalekites burned Ziklag and kidnapped David’s wives, Ahinoam and Abigail, and the wives and children of David’s raiding party.   David with 600 warriors pursued them, found them and defeated them, taking much plunder while rescuing their loved ones.  During the pursuit 200 of David’s men wearied and could not continue.  Upon returning with all the loot the 400 did not think the 200 should receive anything except their wives and children since they had not engaged in the battle.  But David would not have it so.   The men who stayed behind with the supplies received the same as the fighters.  Every fighting force needs a support team if they are to be successful.

Therefore, the principle was set.  Each has his or her role to play and each will be rewarded.  At times we look at the rock star preachers and evangelists and think they will have so much more reward than the rest of us.  Not so.  God does not play favorites.  Just because someone is up front does not make them more worthy than the ones listening.  The ones listening are the ones making it possible for the one up front to speak.  Without their offerings and their attendance the big names would only have the shower in which to “sing their songs.”  God is an equal opportunity lover.  He loves the little old lady in the back as much as the elder in the front.

This is righteous because everyone makes it by grace.  No contributions on our part count lest we spend eternity boasting.  See Ephesians 2.  Scripture is plain. Salvation was God’s idea and His task.  We are the blessed ones.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 12, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574