The Joys of Being on Time

I received some eloquently written messages today chastising me for yesterday’s exaltation of procrastination; therefore I am turning a new leaf in my old age.  Henceforth I will instead speak of the incredible benefits that are derived from being on time and doing things on time.  From now on I shall begin my classes when the big hand reaches the 12.   I will send in my taxes before April 15 and I will get my wife’s birthday present on time.

Jesus did say in Matthew 24, “But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.  But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”  His message was one of being ready at anytime, always, for the end.  Here in New England we drive on a lot of icy roads which are the cause of many deaths.  I have no guarantee that I will make it to the grocery store.  In these days of mass shootings I don’t know if someone will shoot me while I am sniffing a cantaloupe.  Therefore, be ready.

But what does that mean?  The answer is really very simple.  Jesus made it very clear in John 5:24, “I say unto you, He that hears my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”  Before being beheaded Sir Thomas More said to his executioner.  “Do not be afraid of your office.  You send me to God.”   He is then asked, “Are you so sure?”  His answer rings through the ages, “He will not refuse one who is so blithe to go to him.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 11, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, Ca 94574


Procrastination Isn’t Always Bad

I have a clock on my desk that didn’t need to be changed this morning.  No, it’s not a modern one that automatically updates when the time changes.   This is the old fashioned kind.  I just never bothered to change it last fall so it’s correct once again.  This stirs me to speak in favor of procrastination.  When I was a student I learned that if I studied all semester, I still had to review the night before a test.  So why not just wait until the night before the test and then learn it.   It’s fresh and never needed reviewing.  If I finish preparing a sermon on Monday or Tuesday for the coming weekend I have a problem.  Once it is ready, I am ready.  I am like a race horse at the gate waiting for the bell.  If I don’t finish preparing until the end of the week then I am not anxious all week.  So don’t bother to change your clocks.  They will be correct again in six months or so.

Now that I have taken this stance I need to qualify it regarding salvation.  Just because God accepts deathbed confessions, it is not wise to wait.  You might wait too long and develop a condition that renders you unable to choose.  You could be suddenly killed in an accident or have drastic heart failure.   And of course, most importantly, you would spend a life without experiencing the joys of following Jesus.  He is wonderful.  He brings a peace that cannot be duplicated any other way.  Your relationships with others are better if you are like Him or becoming like Him.   Your health is better because of the lack of stress.  Folks, it is just the smart way to live.  The benefits of citizenship in the Kingdom begin now.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 10, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574

Making God Smile

While waiting in a pharmacy for a prescription I watched a four-year-old little girl come up to her mother with a penny she found on a counter.  When her mother told her to put it back there was not a moment’s hesitation.  She ran back to the counter and carefully put it back where she found it.  As she was returning to her mother she stopped and said to me, “Why are you smiling at me?”  I was a bit startled but then responded, “Because you were such a good girl.  You obeyed your mommy right away.”

I chatted a few moments with her mom and thought, “I think there are lots of smiles in heaven when we are obedient.”  There are many opportunities each day for us not to obey and God’s reputation is on the line.  He has maintained that we can overcome.  Paul wrote in I Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

Satan is an accuser.  He delights when we fail and he can throw our failures in God’s face.  So when we do well Satan is frustrated and God is so pleased.  When we obey we give God the satisfaction of being able to say, “Well, done my good and faithful servant.”  And just like any proud parent He beams at our successes.  God has done so much for us.  It is grand to be able to do something for Him.  Today let’s give Him tons of opportunities to smile.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 5, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Brussel Sprouts

Each year on the week before Christmas dinner we go in search of fresh brussel sprouts because one of my sons loves them.  Scientific studies indicate that over half the population has a genetic dislike for brussel sprouts.  My son’s appetite for this obnoxious weed was not inherited from me.  I have checked with my sisters and they share my distaste for those little round whatevers.  My wife was an only child and her parents are gone; therefore we can only garner limited information on her side.  She will eat them but rarely cooks them for herself.  Surely brussel sprouts were not in Eden but grew outside the gate and became food as punishment for Adam and Eve’s transgression.

I have met people who are to me as brussel sprouts.  I just don’t like them.  I don’t want to be around them.  I am so happy Jesus never asks us to like others.  He does ask us to love others and there is a huge difference.  The word He used for love meant for us to care for others and to wish them well.  I can do that for people I don’t like.  I am not so naive to think everyone likes me.  I know they don’t; even if my mother never understood how someone would not like me.  I just hope they do not wish me harm.

I doubt very much that Jesus liked the people who beat Him before taking Him to the cross.  Surely there were places filled with evil people that very much repulsed Him.  But He still loved them.  He even asked His Father to forgive them because of their ignorance.   Before you go to bed tonight think of someone you don’t like and then pray for them.  It will be good for both of you.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 4, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Looking Forward

“For behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers have already appeared in the land; the time has arrived for pruning the vines, and the voice of the turtledove has been heard . . .” Song of Solomon 2.   I realize I am pushing it just a bit.  But spring will be here in just two weeks.  Daylight savings time does begin this weekend.  While it would be difficult to see any flowers because of a persistent foot of snow that won’t go away, I’m sure that deep underneath there are crocus thinking about pushing their heads above ground.  As for the dove, there was a very amorous fellow outside my window wooing and cooing the girl of his dreams. She was playing hard to get but there was no doubt he had the Song of Solomon in mind. This is not to say we will not get another blast of winter.  It could easily happen.  After all, we wouldn’t want Punxsutawney Phil to be wrong.  He did see his shadow.

Jesus did say, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for spring draws nigh.”  Well, not actually.  I did fudge the text just a bit.  He actually said, “your redemption draws nigh” which is much better than looking forward to spring.  Life is made so much better when we have good things to look forward to.  Thanksgiving is looking forward to the children and grandchildren gathering about the table.  Christmas is about looking forward to giving things to our loved ones.  Spring is looking forward to zephyrs and daffodils. And Jesus is about looking forward to an eternity filled with things to look forward to.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 7, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


The Magnificent Boxcar

Don’t you love it when you are on schedule for an appointment and suddenly a train crosses the road in front of you?   You can forget about being on time.  It happened to me today.  I entertained myself by looking at the graffiti on the boxcars that slowly rolled by. One particular boxcar was splendid.  The graffiti was true art.  It must have taken hours and several cans of spray paint to produce what I thought was a masterpiece. What a shame that it would never be in a museum for all to see.  Instead just a few will be able to savor it as they wait at the blinking red lights and clanging bell.

There are people like that boxcar.  Through the years they have allowed God to paint them into being a masterpiece.  They will never be famous.  Only their fortunate families will know who they are.  They will never be mentioned in Time magazine.  They are just kind, warm, generous decent people that make the world work.

We feed ourselves on a diet of bad news from the networks and our newspapers and we become overwhelmed with the idea that everyone out there is evil and corrupt.  But it’s not so.  This country works because there are a million masterpieces getting up in the morning and going to work and coming home to be good parents and good members of their communities.  I’m sure we all know such people.   But better than knowing them is being one of them.  God wants to paint us into splendid examples of how wonderful people can be.  Unlike the boxcar that will rust away, God’s masterpieces will someday be in His throne room on display for all to see.  That’s us!  That’s worth an “how grand.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 6, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


We Won

Sunday evening with less than a second on the play clock Khalil Edney hurled an impossible 55 foot swish basketball shot to win the game.  That was amazing.  But something much more amazing then took place.  Fellow students from his school ran onto the court yelling, “We won.”  What an interesting use of the word “we.”  For the duration of the game they were in the bleachers.

My first reaction is, “No you did not win.”  Khalil Edney won.  Then I remembered Romans 8:37.   “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”   Paul was not hesitant to use “we” when speaking of Christ’s victory.  We are included in the glorious victory.   The Father is so anxious to give to us He even makes us joint heirs with Jesus.  With all this inclusiveness one might think we would someday forget who it was who won and think we saved ourselves.  However, there is no need to fear.  Revelation 5:13 says, “I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever!’”

We could never forget because every time we see Jesus we will see that the sacrifice was not for 33 years but was eternal. Paul wrote to Timothy, “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,” 1 Tim. 2:5.  Note the present tense.  This never-ending mystery will fill our minds with wonder when we assemble for praise services.  There He will be.  God and man – wonder of wonders.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 5, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Who Was He?

While sitting in a waiting room I was drawn to the face of a man my age.  There was something about his eyes that said, “You know me.”  My internal computer was running on high capacity as it searched for someone, somewhere in times past.  Was he once one of my best friends?  Decades part us from childhood pals and we add pounds and wrinkles and lose hair that is no longer the same color.   Just as I was about to approach him and ask who he was a lady returned to him and they left.  Now I am haunted.  Regularly we see people who remind us of another, but this was different. I could not identify who that might be and of course it might have been a once close friend.

I must confess the very human trait of being extra nice to people who remind me of people I love.  As a teacher I have to be very aware that I do not do the opposite of not being kind to someone who reminds me of someone I don’t like.  Sorry, I am not Will Rogers.  I don’t like everyone.  I’m not sure God likes everyone.  He loves all of us but there is a difference between liking and loving.   Loving is wanting others to do well and be happy and healthy.  Liking is wanting to be with them.  I doubt very much that Jesus liked Pilate, Herod, Caiaphas and company that terrible Thursday night.  The stench of stupid hatred in the room was so foreign to His nature He had to be repulsed by those who were torturing Him.  Yet there was a place in God’s Kingdom for each of them; if they so chose.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 4, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


No Cs – All As

He is probably twenty years old but to someone my age he is a kid.   He surprised me.  He came into the first class and took a seat up front right under my nose.   I assume those are the students who are eager to be engaged and do well.   I proceeded to tell the class what they needed to do to get an A and if they did so they were guaranteed an A.   This is when he surprised me.  He piped up, “I don’t want an A.  I just want to pass.”   Well, he pressed my buttons and I launched into a motivational presentation.   I told him I was determined to see him get an A.  About thirty minutes later he slumped down, closed his eyes and started to take a nap.  I was all over that boy like bees on honey.  I woke him and made him stay with me.  He continues to sit on the front row.  At the close of the semester I will let you know if I win and he gets his A.

On my way home this evening it occurred to me that God doesn’t want us to just get to heaven.  He wants the best for us.   He wants us to star.  He wants us to be all we can be.  If He has to jar us out of our sleepy lethargy He will do it.   Slipping in through a crack at the bottom of the door is not His dream for us.  The first time we enter the throne room He wants an angel standing at the door to announce us.  “Ladies and Gentleman, ambassadors from galaxies afar, I present to you ……….”   Please put in your name.  You are a star.  No Cs. You get an A.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 30, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Life Is Full of Surprises

Some time ago my older son drove in “The King of the Hammers,” a desert rock race in Southern California.  It is more than a hundred miles of brutally traumatizing your internal organs while trying to keep your car upright.  Isn’t it strange what some people call fun?  His goal was to finish with the car, his spleen and kidneys intact.  You can imagine his ecstatic surprise to not only finish but to place third in his class of car.

Life is full of surprises, some pleasant and others not so pleasant.  Obviously the pleasant ones are to be desired.  One of my pleasant ones was getting married and discovering she was so much more wonderful than I thought she would be.   Having children can be incredible.  We think the baby is wonderful and how grand it is when he or she just keeps getting more interesting and rewarding.

I sometimes think life is so worth living even if these few decades are all we get; however, the really good news is Jesus has made it endless.   He said, “He who believes in me has already crossed over from death to life.”  Awesome.   The Bible is a love story.  If you like books or movies with a happy ending you will love the Gospels and especially the end of Revelation.  Don’t let people make you think being a Christian is dull and unimaginative.  They only say that because they have never tried the real thing.  Be surprised – read John.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 1, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574