He’s Back

I am so very sorry not to have written for a few weeks. Needless to say they have been very harsh weeks.  Without going into gruesome detail let me just say they involved electric paddles with someone saying, “Clear.”   I did not hear that.  What I did hear was “He’s back.”  Those are good words.  They will be even better when they apply to Jesus and not me. He promised He would come again (John 14) and when He does I’m sure many of us will proclaim with great joy, “He’s back.”  They will be the best words ever for this sin-sick world.

Two of Jesus’ most famous parables were the prodigal son and the lost sheep.  Jesus said, “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” (Luke 15)  If we listen carefully we can hear the father shouting to the household, “He’s back. He’s back.”  Oh, the tears.  Oh, the joy.

Then there is the shepherd, who arriving at home, realized one of his sheep was missing.  Off he went into the night, listening for a sound that would help him find his sheep.  Later that night when he arrived home with his sheep in his arms, surely his family shouted to one another, “He’s back.”

If you would like to make the angels sing?  If you want to fill heaven with joy, right now, this very moment, renew your relationship with the Good Shepherd and I guarantee you the courts of heaven will be filled with song.  Angels will sing their favorite anthem entitled, “He’s Back.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 23, 2017
