National Geographic Travel Catalogue

The postman brought us a travel  catalog this morning.  It is 142 pages of enticement.  Now if only the postman would bring me the resources to utilize this colorful bait to travel the world.  If you can name it there seems to be a trip designed to take you there.  I would like to go to Cuba.  If I go this March I can go for $7,595.  Of course there is an additional $7,595 if I take my wife.  Excuse me.  I don’t want to buy Cuba.  I just want to visit.  The small print tells me it does not include airfare from Miami and back.  That is an additional $600 a piece.  Hey – the last time I looked it was only a 90 mile trip!  The jet barely has time to put its flaps up.

I also happened to have another travel brochure.  It’s called Ephesians.  And the wonder is all travel is prepaid.  Listen to this enticement.  Paul was a master promoter.  “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”

How about that?  In John 14 Jesus told us He was going to His Father’s house to prepare places for us.  And Paul tells us we are to be seated with Christ in heavenly realms.  Now I understand that some people are stay-at-home types that don’t like to travel, but really this is just too grand to refuse.  So come with me.  Please.  I’ll even tip the angels for you when they check your bags.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 5, 2017