
Houses have memories.  The sounds of babies crying and children laughing are imprinted in the wallpaper.  The kitchen sounds of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner preparations accompanied by the sounds of football games and commercials in the background permanently give a home the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.   I drove past an old doghouse sitting by the side of the road with a big “Free” sign attached.  I wondered about its memories.  Was its owner long gone or was its passing recent?  Did the house have the sounds of puppies imprinted on the insides of its walls?  Some of the shingles were missing.  Was that from old age or did its owner imitate Snoopy and wear them off by sitting on the roof?  Whatever the answers to all these questions I hope it has good memories.  But now the house is “Free.”  Surely the new owner will not use it for firewood but will give it to a nice dog.

Houses are special.  Every house takes on the uniqueness of its owners. I had a new house once.  I never want one again.  I like moving into a pre-owned house with pencil marks already on the door frames of the bedrooms.  I like the scratch marks of a dog on the back door.

In John 14 Jesus tells us He has gone to prepare homes for us.  I want mine to come already personalized with wear marks on the stairs.  He could really personalize it by putting marks on the bathroom door frame indicating the heights of my sons at ages 3, 4, 5, etc.  That would be super special.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 14, 2017

Trusting an Unseen Voice

A gust of wind picked up a cloud of snow crystals and swirled them over my car.  Visibility went to zero.  Our minds are amazing museums of memories that merely need a key to bring them rushing back.   I remembered flying from Collegedale, Tennessee to my parent’s home in Pennsylvania.  I was over Virginia with miles of visibility when a cloud happened.  I mean happened.  Instantly visibility was zero.  There I was a mile and a half above the Blue Ridge Mountains hurtling along at 150 miles an hour and I could see nothing.  As fast as I could I called flight control explaining and asking for guidance. No questions were asked.  I was assigned a transponder number, given a heading, and an altitude to maintain.  I couldn’t see him but I knew I was in good hands.  After a while his voice came back saying please climb 2000 feet you will be going over Dulles International Airport.  I couldn’t see but I obeyed and I was safe even with 747’s coming and going around me.

The spiritual lesson here writes itself.  We think we are cruising along fine when something totally unexpected happens and we need guidance.  A quick request and our Master is there. If we trust and obey, even though we can’t see Him, He is watching.  Just as I safely arrived in Pennsylvania we will arrive exactly where God wants us to be and where else would anyone in their right mind want to be.

Psalm 73:24 promises, “Thou shall guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.”  You have to admit it doesn’t get any better than that.  God is not only great, He is good.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 15, 2017

Let’s Talk – Really?

Each of us decodes what others say to us using a host of filters which are the products of our culture, our age, our education, our personal biases, and past experiences.  I am amazed that we understand anything others say or write.  I have students from Haiti, Jamaica, New York City, Boston and upper New York State.  Surely there is a bit of lunacy on my part to walk into a classroom with the expectation that students will understand anything I tell them.  If it isn’t lunacy then it must be arrogant ignorance.  Thus it is that explaining the simplest of assignments can be a major task.

This brings me to the foolishness of preaching, whether it be to a gathering of thousands at a camp meeting in southern Kenya or ten people gathered together in Iowa.  Believing that one has something to say that is meaningful to either of these groups is an audacious act.  God must be amused at our conceit.  We might think we were splendid and did God a great service by “spreading the Good News.”  However, He knows it would have been utterly meaningless had not the Holy Spirit been present.  Only the Holy Spirit knows the unique hungers of each soul.  Only the Holy Spirit can translate our feeble attempts into meaningful thoughts that truly nourish.

So many times I have had people thank me for saying “such and such” because it was just what they needed to hear.  I often take credit by saying thank you when I know I never said what they said I said.  I’m sure it is a form of the gift of tongues mentioned in Acts or should I say the gift of ears.  However, the process works; it isn’t our brilliance.  It is God’s desire to save.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 16, 2017

Who Will Rescue Me?

We were standing in line at the supermarket behind an old guy about my age.  I could not help but notice the food he was putting on the conveyor belt was a hodgepodge of very unhealthy items.  There were oreo cookies and beef jerky and those were the healthy items.  I had already rolled my eyes at my wife when he turned to me and quietly said, “My wife just died.  We were married 36 years and I just don’t know what to buy.”  As he walked away with a plastic bag in each hand I looked at the checkout girl who had started to cry.  If I were a person who uses bad language I would have called myself a very bad name.  When will I ever learn to stop being a smart Alex and stop judging people?  What is it with me?  Do I need to make myself feel superior by putting others down?

Why can I not act like a follower of Jesus?  I am so thankful Paul talked about this inner conflict in Romans 7.   If he had not I would be extremely depressed, but chapter 8 verse 1 is so wonderful.   He asked who can help?  Who can rescue us from us and His answer is an anthem that resounds through the universe.  He said, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus . . .”

So I am going to stop beating myself up over this lapse, learn a lesson and go ahead and do better next time.  That is what being a Christian is about.  It is not about being perfect.  It is about learning and growing.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 17, 2017


The Heart of the Issue

I have always enjoyed the story of the four who brought their friend to Jesus.  When they found Him, the way was barred by a non-obliging crowd, so they inventively went up onto the flat roof, dug a hole and lowered their friend to Jesus.  Can’t you see the debris falling on Jesus’ head and those around Him?   Some of the crowd must have cheered and laughed while the owner of the house must have screamed for them to stop.  It had to have been mayhem.  Surely Jesus must have pleasantly enjoyed their creativity.

What followed next was remarkable.   Jesus could have healed the man and that would have been the end of it.  It would have been one of hundreds of miracles.  (The close of the Gospel of John says we could fill the world with books of stories about what Jesus did.)  Instead Jesus said, “Thy sins be forgiven thee.”  The religiously astute in the crowd gasped.  This was blasphemy.  They were sure only God could forgive sins.  Jesus later taught us that we can forgive sins.  As a matter of fact He urges us to do so.

However, I want to focus on Jesus going to the heart of the issue.  He did not merely fix the man’s symptoms.  He went to the core of the man’s problems.  To merely fix his limbs would be like giving money to a lazy man.  The core problem of humanity is our need to have our sins forgiven and to start us on a road to do better.  We need to strike at the nucleus of our problem.  We need a heart replacement.  It is grand to seek to make men noble but without curing the disease we are only postponing inevitable failure.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 20, 2017

Things I Miss

Modernity with its efficiency and improved and enhanced products makes our lives – I was going to say better but I’m not sure.  Last evening I was looking out a window at the snow and realized I might never again see Jack Frost’s artwork on window panes.  I loved how lacey frosty patterns of hoar would start in the corner of a window and work their way toward the center.  I would put my finger on it and watch it melt only to see it refreeze when I took my finger away.  Few children today will ever see that.

In the summertime on hot August days my Dad and I would go to the corner grocery store where there was a bright red metal box in the corner.  We would lift the lid and peer inside at a variety of sodas immersed in icy cold water.  Oh the utter joy of putting your hand in that frigid tank to slowly fish out a Nehi orange.  Carefully we would pry off the cap without bending it so we could remove the cork liner.  For the rest of the day I would wear the cap on my shirt by putting my shirt between the cap and the pushed-in cork.

Perhaps new and improved isn’t always better?  But when it comes to new and improved you and me we cannot argue. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”           II Corinthians 5:17.  I doubt anyone of us will ever long for the old.  The old just isn’t that grand.  The new will be out of this world.  Awesome.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 22, 2017

The Secrets of the Universe

I used to love used book stores.  I loved the musty smell of decaying paper, glue and sometimes leather.  The older the book the better.  I was on a quest to find some ancient tome filled with the wisdom of the ages.  I knew that somewhere there had to be written out the secrets of life and happiness.  I was a fool.  I was like Ponce de Leon who rode about Florida searching for the fountain of youth while having a Bible in his pack.  My search was futile because I already had Paul’s letter to the Colossians on my desk.

Paul, one of the world’s greatest minds, said, “My goal is that they (you) may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they (you) may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they (you) may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2.  There it is.  God has kept nothing from us.  When He sent us Jesus He opened up the library of heaven for us to grasp ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Do you want to be smart?  Do you want to have unlimited intellectual growth?  Do you want to understand more about life than the philosophers of the world with their sophisticated, complex theories?  You can!  The source of the secrets of the universe are not in some musty old book.  They are found in the vibrant life and teachings of Jesus, the very Creator of all that is.  Time spent with Jesus is a guaranteed way to a fuller, happier, more complete life because of the wisdom you will gain.  A day without Jesus is a day of mental stagnation.  A day with Jesus is a day of unlimited progress.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 24, 2017

The Beginning of Brilliance

My wife’s father died at home on the very farm he was born.  A half mile down the wooded road is a very small cemetery that had not been used for over 50 years.  When we called the county records office they told us there was no map of the cemetery so we could dig anywhere we chose. If we struck something, refill and move to another location.  We carried him from the house, down the road and placed him under an old pine.  Years later we placed my wife’s mom’s coffin right up against his.  When his daughter and I were dating he taught me that a gentleman always walked between his sweetie and the road.  Therefore, we made sure we placed her with him protecting her from the road.  I’m anxious to talk with him because I am sure he will notice on resurrection morning that I remembered my lesson.  I’m sure I will get a big thank you.

There will be so much to talk about on resurrection morning. I Corinthians 15 is one of the most exciting chapters in the Bible.  For 58 verses Paul gives us the most information we will ever find anywhere regarding the joy of living again.  He tells us it will all happen in a moment; in the twinkling of an eye.  We fall asleep in Jesus and awaken to life evermore with all of our corruption gone.  I’m sure you have friends, family, parents, grandparents, in-laws in my case, and children to tell all about what happened after they fell asleep.  This will not be like wakening from a medical procedure.  That has moments of trying to clear one’s head.  This is instant clarity.  This is the beginning of brilliance.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 23, 2017

Heart Burn

Have you ever heard a sermon so good deacons should have passed out Nexium to people on the way out of church?  Just in case you don’t watch the network evening news let me explain that Nexium is a remedy for heartburn.   Cleopas and his companion spent late Sunday afternoon with the resurrected Jesus.  He gave them a Bible study that was so intense and so meaningful they rushed back to the disciples and described it as, “And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?”

Sometimes the power of the Holy Spirit sweeps over a congregation and the word is so wonderful we can barely contain ourselves. It’s all so joyful to have a Cleopas experience. I wish everyone could taste the presence of God as they listen to the story of Jesus.  I have heard some marvelous presentations on the typology of the sanctuary.   I can add to that psychological sermons dressed up with spirituality.  But, as good as they are they never make my heart burn as much as hearing about Jesus’ love and sacrifice.

If I could talk to all my preacher friends I would encourage them to hide their doctorates and just present the simplicity of that wonderful song we learned in Kindergarten.  “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to Him belong.  They are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me.”   Now that makes my heart burn.  When I see Him reaching out and touching lepers, I am astonished and definitely in need of Nexium.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 27, 2017

The Always Answered Prayer

For Christmas my son gave us an Amazon Echo with light bulbs for the kitchen.  We have been able to turn on the kitchen lights with a voice command.  It has been very cool.  But tonight it stopped working.  The Echo tells me there is no connection. I am into almost two hours of frustration and still don’t have it.  In the setup process I need user names and passwords.

I am so glad prayer doesn’t work this way.  The Echo hears me and God hears me.  The Echo says I’m not connected and God never ever says such a thing.  We are always connected and we don’t need a password or a user name.  He not only knows our names he knows how many hairs are growing out of our ears.   One of my favorite quotations from a book entitled Desire of Ages (a biography of Jesus) is found on page 335.  Jesus was sleeping in the bow of a fishing boat when a horrendous storm overwhelmed the sailor skills of the disciples.  Remembering that He was with them they cried out above the roar of the storm, “Lord, save us: we perish.”  Now comes the really good sentence.  “Never did a soul utter that cry unheeded.”

That is overwhelming to me because of the word “never”.  There is no ritualized language, no addressing Him by some secret name, no password or secret handshake.  All that is needed is our fervent need.  The faintest prayer of the weakest soul receives an immediate audience in the hallowed halls of heaven.  We might not get an immediate physical rescue on earth but we can be guaranteed the best answer ever.  There will be an instant forgiveness of sin and we will step from death to eternal life.  See John 5:24.   It doesn’t get any better than that.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 1, 2017