The Wonders of Napping

I would like to speak in favor of naps.  (I just decided to take one.  There is an hour between that first sentence and the one coming up.)   I realize we should not wish our life away.  It is way too short.  However, if we are anticipating something wonderful, time seems to slow down.  A remedy for that is a nap. Naps are restful.  Naps speed up time. Naps often generate wonderful dreams that can transport you over geography and time.  Naps mix people from your past with people in your now.  I often find the mixture delightful.

Remember Jesus’ parable of the ten young women waiting for the bridegroom to appear for the festivities to begin.  He didn’t chastise them for napping.  He just chastised half of them for not having extra oil in case there was a delay and there was a delay.

I find naps to be delightful in church when the preacher is droning on and on.  The problem is the floppy head syndrome.  That can be cared for by sitting in the back row.  One of my favorite professors used to look like he was napping when I was preaching.  The issue was he always seemed to know what I said.  He told me he could listen better if his eyes were closed just like we can pray better with our eyes closed.

Now here comes the really good part.  Paul wrote in Ephesians 3 “that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, . .”  So there it is.  Power naps for believers.  How good is that?!   We have a God who thinks of everything we need.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 3, 2017