Bittersweet Vengeance

It is often said, “The best revenge is to live well.”   You would be a very unusual person if you lived your whole life without having someone really not like you.  The best way to handle it is to prosper and be happy.   Proverbs 25:22 talks about heaping coals of fire on their heads.  The way to do that is to be super kind and generous.  Romans 12:19 talks about vengeance belonging to God.  Surely the very best vengeance God could take against His enemy, Lucifer, is to save us.  God loves us.  Lucifer’s only use for us is to cause our heavenly Father pain.  When you love someone their pain is yours.

Lucifer would love to have us join him in eternal loss, not because he thinks we are good company and fun to be with, but to snatch us away from the one who loves us dearly.  God’s vengeance is to snatch us back.  The more precious we are the more pain inflicted.  So just how precious are we?  We are so precious that a wooden cross divided human history into two.

It might be a bit startling to contemplate the endless battle for one’s soul.  But the reality is if we want to participate in this drama by inflicting pain on God just decide to die with Lucifer.  His day is coming.  If we want to give God incredible joy and give Him a true sense of vengeance accept His gift.  Join sides with the winner.  God will win.  There is no question about that.  It is just a matter of time.  God’s vengeance against Lucifer is having you on His side.  That’s sweet to Him.  Actually it is bittersweet because He also loves Lucifer.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 10, 2017