Our yard is one giant nursery. There are babies everywhere. Mothers and fathers are flitting from the rhododendrons to the azaleas finding food for their broods. It is quite amusing to see full grown blue jays begging with their mouths agape. They remind me of college grads who have moved back home to mom and dad. Midst the cacophony of crying baby robins, wrens and cardinals was something we had not seen before. Baby red-bellied woodpeckers were trying out their new pecking skills on a beech tree. It is a wonderful time of the year.
What a time Adam and Eve must have had in their new garden home trying to name all the dazzling, fearless, creatures. With Adam and Eve’s perfect minds they soon would have qualified to be biologists, ornithologists, ichthyologists, lepidopterists, entomologists and on and on. Surely they would have become astronomers and physicists. But sin, the great interrupter to good things, spoiled it all.
That’s what sin does. It spoils lives, homes, marriages and careers. If you can think of something good there is a way for sin to spoil it and of course along with sin came the greatest spoiler of all, death. But we must not be overwhelmed with grief. God sent forth His only Son to defeat sin in every aspect of its heinous nature. In I Corinthians 15 Paul wrote those marvelous words, “When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.” Verse 54. Our Jesus is the spoiler of the spoiler. He is the resurrection and the life and He will make all things new.
Written by Roger Bothwell on June 22, 2017