Breaking News

I feel sorry for news anchors on the all news, all day, television channels.  A basic cardinal rule in broadcasting is there must not be dead airspace.  That, of course, means these anchors have to keep talking, even if there is nothing new to talk about.  I’m sure you have noticed that hour after hour they sit and speculate and postulate about something that might be days old.  They even call it “Breaking News”.  They should call it “Broken News” it is so beaten and worn.   They must be excited when something actually does happen and they can finally change the topic.

I was thinking about them when I realized I have been talking about the same thing, not for days, but for seventy years.  I was wondering if I should begin calling the Good News, “Breaking News”.  The Good News breaks hearts, breaks old habits, sometimes breaks relationships, and breaks biases and prejudices.  And it really is “Breaking News” if someone never before heard and understood it.  The Good News breaks the chains of sin, breaks us free from death and guarantees us eternal life.

Contrary to news anchors who have to weary of going over and over old news while pretending it is fresh, every day we can tell the story of Jesus and His love and never weary.  The Holy Spirit makes it fresh in our hearts and gives us new insights.  I love the hymn, “Tell me the old, old story of unseen things above, of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love. Tell me the story simply, as to a little child, for I am weak and weary, and helpless and defiled.”

I have “Breaking News” for you.  You are loved, forgiven and going to live forever.

Written by Roger Bothwell on June 27, 2017