He Is Real

“I don’t believe in anything that is not somehow tangible.  I have to be able to see it, feel it, etc.” so said one of my undergraduate students.  I’m suspicious he was trying to appear sophisticated to the coed he followed into the classroom. I remembered him last week as I entered a room with a massive eleven inch thick door.  I think the radiation techs would have disagreed with him as they positioned me on the table and then quickly left the room.  Before the buzz of the radiation gun I watched that massive door close and seal.  In a few moments the door opened the techs came in and I was walking out.  I never felt anything.  I never saw anything. I never tasted anything. But it was there.  It was real and the techs knew it was real.

At the close of Matthew Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”  Unlike many television evangelists who repeatedly recount God speaking to them, I have never heard His voice.  I have never seen Him.  However, I have no, not the smallest, doubt that He is. In Romans 1 Paul wrote, “The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; . .”

I marvel at me.  I marvel at you.  I am awed by your intelligence and your ability to think new thoughts.  I marvel at the muscle memory needed for a three point basketball shot.  I marvel at the dexterity of a concert pianist playing Rachmaninoff’s piano concerto number two when the hands are faster than my eyes.

Our creator and our redeemer is real and we, you and I, are the apple of His eye.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 3, 2017
