The Blueberry Pie

This afternoon we noticed that McDonalds had a special on pies – two for a dollar.  When we got to the drive-thru window the girl told us they only had one apple pie left but we could get a blueberry pie.  Much to my wife’s delight it was wonderful and she will most likely never again ask for an apple pie.  In Psalm 17:8 the psalmist wrote, “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” The original meaning of the word “apple” in English was a generic term for any kind of fruit.  None of the Bible writers ever saw or ate what we now call an “apple.”  This gives any of us the prerogative to supply our favorite fruit in place of “apple.”

I think my wife is now going to render the text, “Keep me as the blueberry of your eye.”  So, just think of your favorite fruit and make the verse your very own.  “Keep me as the mango of your eye.”   I thought of watermelon but I’m not sure that is a fruit.  What’s your favorite?

The important idea is to know how much God loves us.  Think of our best and know that is what we are to our heavenly Father.  What God sees when He looks at us is not so much what we are now but what we will become.

I Corinthians 15 speaks of planting a seed and harvesting something  awesomely different.  Plant a tiny white seed and harvest a tomato.  They look nothing alike.

The blueberry pie was a serendipity for my wife.  We will be a serendipity to ourselves for we have yet to dream what God has in store for us.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 6, 2017