
It was a Sunday afternoon and our family was sitting around the living room having a gabfest.  I was about twelve-years-old when suddenly there was aloud resounding snap.  As we looked about to see what had happened we noticed to our dismay the television screen was shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.  Everyone in the room was expressing dismay over the loss but I was extremely thankful.  I could not believe my good fortune.  It occurred with a circle of witnesses that I had not done it.  From a life-time of past events I knew I would have been forever blamed and if I proclaimed my innocence I would have heard, “Well, someone did it. Television screens don’t shatter all by themselves.”  But it had!

It is difficult to be accused of doing something wrong and not being believed when you know you didn’t do it.  Jesus was blamed for doing all manner of wrong.  “This man eats with publicans and sinners.”  But wait.  He did!  They were telling the truth. They accused Him of saying He would “tear down this temple and raise it back in three days.”  That was true.  He did say that.  They accused Him of Sabbath breaking when He healed the man by the Pool of Bethesda.  According to their twisted interpretation of proper Sabbath keeping, He was guilty.

And the apex of the sacrifice for our sins was the cross when He took upon Himself, not only our sins but the sins of the world.  He was guilty of the entire gambit of the world’s crimes. And He paid the price.  “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.”  Jesus had descended into Hell so we can ascend to Heaven.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 10, 2017