I’ve Grown Accustomed to His Face

In 1956 Allan Jay Lerner collaborated with Fredrick Lowe to write the lyrics for a song in My Fair Lady.  As I read them it describes my 75 year-old relationship with Jesus and with some adaptation (my apologies to Lerner and Lowe) I read the lyrics like this.

He makes the day begin

He’s second nature to me now
Like breathing out and breathing in
I’m very grateful He’s my Savior and not so easy to forget
Rather like a habit one should never break

How I have longed for my reactions to life’s ups and downs to be, without thinking on my part, automatically His.  Paul wrote in Philippians:5 “ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”  There it is.  The goal of every believer should not only to be saved but to become like Him.  And should He never come to save us, (He will.  He promised.) we will have been the winner because a Christ-like life is the richest, happiest life ever lived by ANYONE.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 17, 2017
