People Salads

As far as salads go lettuce is by far the least nutritious and most boring ingredient.  But generously toss in carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers and celery and you have a small delicious banquet.  It is just like God’s family.  We are a marvelous salad of humanity.  Jesus commissioned us to go to the world and make disciples and the result is fabulous.  I’m sure there are members of His family from every nation in the world and He must find it delicious to behold.

Paul wrote in Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

It seems the more variety we have the better the salad.  Take some of our U. S. presidents for an example.  Abraham Lincoln was the tallest at six feet four inches.  James Madison was the smallest at five feet four inches.  He weighed only 100 pounds as compared to Taft who weighed three hundred and thirty.  Calvin Coolidge was famous for not talking much and they couldn’t stop TR from incessantly talking.  Truman was the only president never to attend college, while Woodrow Wilson was a professor.

Shame on us if we ever discriminate by race, gender or language.  As Paul wrote in Romans 14 God invited us all to His table.  Who are we to cross anyone off God’s guest list?  Ultimately we all end up at the same place – the foot of the cross – needing mercy and forgiveness.

People salads are the best.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 20, 2017