Too Much of a Good Thing 

It will be 2021 before anyone once again hears London’s Big Ben chime over London.  Restoration has begun and the worker’s hearing has to be protected from the bongs of the huge bell. The chiming is so loud there is a very real danger that the bonging would permanently deafen the laborers.

There is an interesting story about Moses in Exodus 34.  He had been on the mountain with God and upon coming down his face glowed so brightly he had to veil it from the others.

And so there it is. The answer to today’s seeming lack of power in God’s modern church.  Too much light, too much sound, too much of any good thing can damage us if we are not prepared and ready.  Just as any good parent is careful with what gifts they give their children God is careful with us.  No good parent gives a 16- year-old a 700 horse power Corvette.  God wants us to do great things, but He also knows how much our egos and sense of self importance can tolerate without our becoming totally narcissistic.  With great power comes the need for even greater humility.

So what can we do to increase our effectiveness?  Paul gives us a few good ideas in Ephesians 6, “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”  And how do we do that?  Like all good things time is required.  If we make sure we spend time with His word each day, the armor is added piece by piece.  This isn’t rocket science.  Everyone can do it.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 14, 2017