Zucchini Time

Summer is ebbing away and it’s zucchini time. What a wonderful time of the year.  Days are toasty, nights are cool and gardens are reminding us of our heavenly Father’s prodigal ways. I have a friend who planted six zucchini plants  and I asked, “Why?”  One plant could feed Boston.  It’s a good thing the patriots chose to toss tea into the harbor because no one would have noticed had it been zucchini.  This afternoon we even had a bagful magically appear on our doorstep and we don’t even have a garden. (Thank you zucchini fairy.)

God’s generosity is not limited to a vegetable.  One of my favorite verses is Micah 7:19.  “He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”  Please take note of the word “all.”   But, you may ask what about the unpardonable sin Jesus spoke of in Matthew 12:31. “All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”  That verse has frightened many people because they wonder if they are guilty of that sin.  As Jesus would say, “Fear not.”  The unpardonable sin is one’s refusal to yield to the Holy Spirit’s wooing.  The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict us of our sins and urge us to repent.  Thus the unpardonable sin is refusing to repent of any sin.  If you are concerned, that means He is calling you.  So just say, “Lord, I am so sorry.  Help me.”

That brings us back to all our sins being forgiven.  The last time I checked the deepest part of any ocean is 36,070 feet.  That is a long way down.  God loves mercy and is prodigal.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 16, 2017
