
Ever so cautiously I pulled up behind a car to wait for the signal to turn green.  I don’t ordinarily respond to bumper stickers but I was feeling good and when I read the sticker in front of me I responded.  I’m sure you have all seen this one.  It read, “Honk if you love Jesus.”  So I honked.  The next thing I saw was a hand sticking out the sunroof of the car giving me the international sign of friendship.  Wow.   I felt betrayed.

Betrayal is an interesting emotion.  Betrayal comes in many forms and our reactions depend on the nature of the violation.  Sometimes we are angry when a so called friend steals from us.  However, the real pain comes when love has been violated.  I cannot think of any more betrayal more severe than when Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.  Actually the Greek tense in that story indicates that Judas kissed Jesus several times.  Then there was Peter cursing and saying, “I don’t know the man.”  Wow.  This came from a man who just a few hours before proclaimed his extreme love.  I have learned never to say I would never do a certain thing because under the wrong circumstances I would.  Those are moments of self-loathing.

However, just as Jesus forgave Peter (He would have also forgiven Judas). He will forgive us and the self-loathing can vanish because, after all, we are sons and daughters of the King of the Universe. It just doesn’t get any better than that.  And we will always remember that our perfection is His.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 24, 2017