Hot Pursuit

We heard him coming in the night. His car was screaming as he flashed past us going as fast as his car could go.  We were standing in a yard by a country road in Lancaster County in Pennsylvania so we got the full effect as less than five seconds later a police car with blazing twirling blue lights came in hot pursuit.  After sliding through a curve the sports car started up a sharp incline floored with exhaust pipes roaring.  I keep wondering how it ended.

Soon after, as I crawled into bed I thought about God’s incredible love for us and that He has sent the Holy Spirit to pursue us.  In John Jesus called the Holy Spirit  the Comforter, but that is to those who have accepted the gift.  To the rest He is a discomforter chasing in hot pursuit.  I find it interesting that we can actually outrun Him.  As we continue to resist His wooing voice grows fainter and fainter until we can no longer hear Him.  Jesus’ called it the Unforgiveable Sin.  God cannot forgive us if we don’t respond positively. Don’t be afraid.  If you still care, if you still want to be forgiven you are not guilty of outrunning Him.

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice.”  John 10:27.   The police car did not have his sirens on. God does not pursue us with noise and vibrato.  He speaks in a still voice but speak He does.  And just why the chase?  It’s all about love, which honestly I don’t begin to understand.  But then again, why does a parent fall madly in love with screaming bundle of needs we call a baby.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 14, 2017