
It was a muggy day.  It was one of those days when everything felt just a bit wet.  I found myself longing for winter when the air is crisp and dry.  But I remembered on those days when the air bit the end of my nose I longed for summer.  When I was 14 I wanted to be 16.  I have two more weeks of summer school and I was wishing it were over. I realized I was wishing my life away.  I must learn to relish today.  Today my heart beats.  Today I see roadside gardens.  Today I see giant clouds rumble as with splendor they send millions of volts of electricity back and forth.  Today the maple trees brush my face as I pass.

Now is a good time.  Soon tomorrow will be now.  It should be so good as the now I have now.   Tomorrows have their promises but they take away now. Annie can sing of the sun coming out tomorrow but tomorrow is one less day to spend with loved ones.  In this world everything we love goes away. Tomorrow my grandchildren will be one day closer to having such full lives I will become irrelevant.  I like today.  I like being relevant.

Revelation speaks of a place where tomorrows become meaningless.  Heaven will be an endless now filled with things we cannot lose.   Paul closes Ephesians 3 with, “Unto him be glory by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.”  Then tomorrow will not be one less day to be with loved ones.  Tomorrow will be a now and the next a now and the next a now.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 24, 2008