Peace Be Still

If I could ignore the roller coaster economy that is being described with the term 1929, if I could pretend my country is not at war in two nations, if I could fantasize that my country was loved around the world, if I could not hear blatant lies being passed off as accurate political information, if I could believe all the students at my little college were sexually chaste and eager to learn, if I could believe other nations are pursuing the acquisition of nuclear power for peaceful purposes, I could be euphorically happy about these glorious sunny autumn days filled with unbelievable colors and Eden-like temperatures.  Really.  I could not describe for you what a perfect weekend we just had in New England.

There is such an array of events, great or horrible, to think about. Worrying will not make the bad things go away because they are so much bigger than my power to correct, so it only makes sense to think about the things I can control.   I can control where I am.  I can control what I see. I can control what I choose to think about.   And so I shall.   This is my life and I can make it what I will.

I do not want to sound like Pollyanna but the truth is all of us have just so many minutes a day and we need to take control of them.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace and longs for us to be islands of serenity in the midst of this crazy world.   This is the ultimate witness   We have Jesus.   He says to us, “Peace be still.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 14, 2008