Freedom To Vote

Freedom to vote for our leader is by far one of the greatest rights of mankind.  While not all of us will be pleased because the one we voted for did not win, the fact is we had the freedom to speak our will.  Hopefully we can rally around our new leader and forget all the ridiculous half lies that were told by BOTH sides.  What a privilege it is to live in a land where everything is right to do unless our collective wisdom passes a law against it.  That is just the opposite of the way it is in most of the countries of the world.  In most places you are not allowed to do something unless there is a law that says you can.  That is an enormous difference and is a wonder of our constitution.

God’s government is also based on total freedom.  God grants us the rights to do anything we want that does not harm another or ourselves.  If it is good for us God wants us to have the freedom to do or not to do.  All He asks is that we have the common sense to do good things in balance. Sleeping is good but you can over do it.  Exercise is good but you can over do it.  Breathing is good but you can over do it.  You can even go to church too much.  God’s government is based on love.  When we truly understand love we will only want to do what is beneficial for others and ourselves.  It really is that simple.

In Galatians Paul speaks of the law being written on the heart.  That means I no longer need a law telling me not to steal.  I don’t want to steal from those I love and as I become more like Jesus I will grow to love everyone. It works the same for all the commandments.   The person who loves is free to do what he or she wants to do.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 4, 2008