
There is this great sound and light show each night outside of Cairo  There under the desert sky you sit for a warm grand evening of Egyptian history as lights play back and forth on the various pyramid and the sphinx.  Amid exotic music a voice booms out across the sands reliving the succession of Pharaohs and the glory that once was Egypt.

While sitting there one evening waiting for the show to begin my wife and I got to talking with some other tourists.  The conversation begain with the usual stuff you ask fellow travelers.  Where are you from? How long have you been here? Where to next? Bust very soon the conversation focused on a place we had in common and ended up with the startling fact that we were talking with my wife’s best friend’s music teacher.  And we were wowed with just how small our world is.

Have you ever wondered as you look at a crowd of strangers how many people in that group know someone you know?  I didn’t used to do that.  But I do now.

It all gives me pause to think about what it will be like to live forever.  We have been promised eternal life by Jesus.  And if we accept that gift we will have not only centuries but millenniums to  meet others who have also accepted that wondrous gift.  If in just a few decades of life we are able to meet enough people that we can make chance contacts in some foreign land just think how many people we will get to know and meet in the new earth promised to us at the end of the book of Revelation.

Written by Roger Bothwell