The Fuel Truck Driver

It was a magnificent demonstration of excellent driving.  I was sitting across the street watching a fuel tanker truck driver back into a very busy very crowded service station between parked cars and pickups.  He put it right on the dime.  But wait.  When he got out of the truck he was not a he.  She was not tall and strong looking.  As a matter of fact she was quite chubby.  So much for my sexist assumption that that splendid exhibition of skill was performed by a man.  And if I had known it was a woman I would have expected a large rugged looking female.  Shame on me for my stereotyping.

I am suspicious I am not the only one who commits this social faux pas.  For convenience we categorize and pigeon hole people.  We think all Muslims are this or that.   We do the same for members of denominations that knock on our doors.  I have this thing about television preachers that are always begging for money.  But I will resist sharing my prejudiced thoughts.

It has always been this way.  Jews thought all Samaritans were lowly dogs.  When Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan He raised eyebrows because in many eyes there was no such thing as a “good” Samaritan.  Self love is an important part of our psyche and therefore we value those who belong to OUR group.  We are God’s chosen.  God is on our side. It takes just a bit more grace for God to save them than it does to save us.

I’m sure God must shake His head and go “Tsk” when He listens to our bias filled conversations.  Fortunately He forgives us because He knows it comes naturally with our sinful natures.

Written by Roger Bothwell on June 25, 2013